Sunday, September 30, 2018


"Through play, the culture is expressed or celebrated...The study of child-rearing is an examination of what 'goes in'. The study of play behavior is the study of what 'comes out'..."
                                                                                      --Dr. Janice E. Hale
"In play, the child may freely explore reality, to accept it or reject it, to escape or distort it to suit his own interest, needs, wishes and desires."
                                                                                          --Dr. Amos Wilson

Playtime for children is extremely essential to their growth and adaptation in a child's developmentation. The two pictures that I have here represent play items that children have seemed to forget in this day and age. The play items I have chosen stimulated the physical and intellectual state of mind for me as a child. My favorite childhood memories were spent outside in play, either on a playground with other children or within my community among my neighbors. This allowed us to come up with our own scenarios and games in order to interact with our environment. Many of the time my mom was the main one who promoted this type of play, rather than spends time in front of the television. When I did come into contact with electronic toys, it was more so like the ones featured to the right. I had this specific toy, that I loved dearly because (aside from my mom), it helped me to learn how to spell and write, at an early age. These were the play items that helped build interaction with other kids (that led to lasting friendships at that time) and helped me to intellectually become curious about words, and language, and practice myself.

In today's society, children are exposed to more of a technological digital playground, where they can view and engage in almost anything they want, whether it is positive or negative. Many children have not only turned to a more unhealthy, obese lifestyle because of inactivity, but they have also turned to a separation of getting fresh air and creativity, in exchange for vastly controlled media. Though there are technology and digital resources that help children engage in healthy play, the days of old where children went outside and played without that digital aid, is few and far between. I can only hope that natural play will return and that children's desires and wishes will embody that natural environment of play. 


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Relationship Reflection

Education and positive relationships go hand-in-hand in order to promote a child's healthy learning environment. Family, Culture, and Spirituality are extremely important in my life and are aspects that I promote on a daily basis to my children in their learning growth process. Here I have pictures of what I deem to be important to my children's learning and relationship network. Because historically many indigenous groups had families that were torn apart, I have made it a point to try and show my children that as a family and as an individual, you should always exhibit loyalty to those you associate your self...especially in a positive circle. I currently try to promote my children keeping positive memories and associations with those I have positive relationships with such as my mother, brother and 2 sisters (their aunties whom they love dearly). And I also encourage them to write letters to and call their granddad (my dad) and their Great Aunt (my aunt) to whom they always enjoy speaking. My daughters also hold a great relationship with a cat they have named "Meme" who was here when we moved into the house. Because in Egyptology the Feline holds a high regard, we treat the cat with the upmost respect, and the girls enjoy caring for their adopted pet. 

Because my husband and I have encouraged strong relationships with those family members that we speak to often, my daughters have made it a point to involve those family members in their educational growth. After years of involving the total family, my daughters have naturally picked up the reigns of wanting to interact with their family and include them in their educational development! I believe that if I continue to nuture and expose our children to those positive images and images of struggle and hard work that our family must go through to succeed, that our children's educational development will truly take flight and allow them to flourish in any setting!!